Welcome to Geoff Brown – Writer

Welcome to the rebranding of my website.

It’s been ages since I’ve updated here, as for the last few years I’ve focused more on our publishing house and then our new ghost tour business than I have on being a writer.

Don’t get me wrong… I’m still writing, and still having stories published, most often when asked specifically by publishers to submit to a particular market. But I haven’t been sending out many stories to open submission markets.

Now that we’ve pulled back on Cohesion Press’ schedule (only putting out one book a year, and that’s always an anthology rather than novels or single-author collections) and the ghost tour business is settling down into set structures and techniques that make the business run much more smoothly, I can look at doing more writing.

First off the mark is a full rewrite of Hammered: Memoir of an Addict. It’s now been ten years Hammered Reduxsince I began writing that particular bad-lifetime memory , and I’m a different person now.
I became first a student and small-business owner. Then I became a teacher of the same writing course I finished two years earlier. I have completed my recovery from that period of my life, and have a better sense of how I made it through.
That gives me the ability to add a lot more of the story at the end, during the detoxification and recovery phases of my life. When you add that training and experience as a writer over the last ten years, my ability has increased immensely, so now the story can be fully fleshed out and given the best chance of being a much better read than it first was.

When I first started writing this, I wanted to keep it separate from who I am, hence the pseudonym. Through the process, I realised I am who I am, and if people don’t like that, too bad, so by the time it was released, I was promoting it as mine even with the different name. Now, the re-release (and all my other writings) are rebranded with my real name, so that’s why the website here is rebranded from gnbraun dot com to what it shows now. I thought of different domain names, and Geoff Brown Author sounded too pretentious, so this was the best available option.
Now, on to updates for the rewrite process.

So far I’ve managed to inject (pardon the pun) an extra 5,000 – 6,000 words into Hammered, and I’m only halfway through the file.
I guesstimate at least another 5,000 by the time I reach the endgame.
I also plan on writing at least another 10,000 words to add to the recovery story, as that was always lacking a certain polish. I guess it makes sense, because at the point of my life I first wrote Hammered, I hadn’t fully recovered.
Now I am a far different person than I ever was ten years ago, and I’m finding this full rewrite SO much easier than the writing initially was the first time around.

I’m hoping to have the rewrite finished in the next 4-6 weeks, and then it moves over to a professional editor for a full edit.

While an end-of-March release for the new version seems easily do-able at this point, I won’t make promises.

More news and updates as I move through the process.

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